Pasadena Unified School District – Blair High School
Pasadena Unified School District
General Contractor
C.W. Driver
Blair IB Magnet School 6-8 Grade Campus
Scope of Work
Heavy Steel Fence Panels and Gates galvanized and powder coated
24 Gates of different heights and widths. -
Orsogrill “Danae” Pattern and Louvered Gates, Orsogrill “Talia 80” Pattern manufactured by Grating Pacific.
Ace Fence had to erect a mock-up grill panel and get approval before continuing with the project. Materials were very heavy and the lifting of each gate panel was very difficult. The hinges were the most difficult part to overcome due to the weight of each of the gate leafs. The total of 24 large gates, some swing, some singles, some rolling were scattered through the Entry Courtyard, tunnel, meter enclosure, lunch shelter, the Alendale Road entrance, the East entrance and the trash enclosure.